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About Leeneh

Leeneh® is a cloud-based platform that makes it easy for schools and secretariats to manage their student records, collect fees, and engage parents and guardians from a centralized portal.



Free School Website

We understand that most schools do not have website presence to tell the world about the great things they are doing.

Thus when you join Leeneh, we will design a professional-grade website for your school, setup official e-mail accounts for staff/admins, train your staff to update it, and host it for you for as long as you remain with us at no additional cost.

If you have an existing website, we can help you connect it to Leeneh to create a seamless experience for students, teachers, alumni, parents and guardians.


Grades and Reports

We understand that the process of entering grades and arriving at a final calculation can be tedious. Thus, Leeneh streamlines the grade entry, calculation, and reporting processes from the period level up to the final grades for the academic year to verifiable transcripts. All our reports are customizable to match each school's report format.

Leeneh also has a portal for parents and guardians to view, download, and print their ward's academic and financial reports.


Payments and Fees

We understand that collecting and paying fees can be a hassle for both school administrators and parents/guardians. Leeneh is integrated with MTN Mobile Money to make the process convenient, fast, and secure.

Leeneh provides an intuitive interface for administrators to create fees they want to collect with the amounts and payment terms. Parents then use their portal to pay fees using Mobile Money.

Fee records can be tracked in Leeneh or exported into your accounting software.



We understand that secretariats and school systems need customized solutions befitting their work that differs from the schools in their system.

Leeneh, therefore, provides a centralized portal for secretariat staff to add/manage schools, pay teachers using Mobile Money, and inspect individual school records.

With just a few clicks, secretariat heads can also access financial, academic, and personnel statistics and reports on schools within their school system.


/ lii ˈ n ә nh / noun (Kpelle) a state of well-being and contentment.
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Parents and Guardians

We understand that parents and guardians are key stakeholders in the success of your school.

Thus we make it easy for you to engage them through SMS and e-mail citations, a portal for them to view their ward's academic records, and the ability to send them their ward's report cards via e-mail.


Training and Support

We understand that whilst Leeneh is easy to use, we need to support new schools to make the transition smooth.

We, therefore, provide hands-on training for designated staff and we also make presentations at PTA meetings for parents to get on board.


Staff Management

We understand that the dynamic nature of staff management like assigning teachers to classes, reassignments, withdrawal, and incentivizing involves repetitive steps.

Leeneh enables you to do all the above in a few minutes. You can also pay teachers using Mobile Money.


Get Started in 1 Week

We understand that migrating from one system to another can be a hassle. Thus, we work with you from the very beginning to import your soft-copy records into Leeneh. For hard-copy records, Leeneh's forms are easy to use for data entry to facilitate digitizing those records.

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Pricing Plans


$1,000 USD


- Free School Website
- Grades and Reports
- Staff Management
- Training & Support
- Parents and Guardians
- Official School Emails
- Get Started in 1 Week
- Records Import/Export
- Customization
- Backup and Security

$1,500 USD


- Fees Management
- Mobile Money Payment
- Bank Integration
- Payment Records
- Records Import/Export
- User Management
- Settlement of Payments
- Get Started in 1 Week
- Training and Support
- User Management
- Backup and Security

$1,500 USD


Everything in Schools Plan +
Everything in Payments Plan